
Research group


Computational chemistry is applied to the study of different chemical processes of practical interest. DFT and DFT/MM methods are used to characterize different processes in homogeneous catalysis, in most cases in collaboration with experimental groups.  Studies in 2017 focused on single electron transfer processes, photoactivated reactions, and carbon-carbon bond formation.

Topics addressed

  • Single electron transfer processes
  • Photoactivated reactions
  • C-C bond formation


Mechanisms of Oxidative Addition to [Ni(PMe3)4]: The Special Role of the Tris(Phosphine) Intermediate
I. Funes-Ardoiz, D.J. Nelson, F. Maseras
Chem. Eur. J. 2017, 16728-16733

Cyclobutene vs. 1,3-Diene Formation in the Gold-Catalyzed Reaction of Alkynes with Alkenes: The Complete Mechanistic Picture
M.E. de Orbe, L. AmenĂłs, M.S. Kirillova, Y. Wang, V. LĂłpez-Carrillo, F. Maseras, A. Echavarren
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 10302–10311

Catalytic Nitrene Transfer To Alkynes: A Novel and Versatile Route for the Synthesis of Sulfinamides and iso-Thiazoles
P.J. Pérez, M.M. Díaz-Requejo, M. Rodríguez, A. Beltrån, E. Álvarez, A. Mudarra, F. Maseras
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 13022-13027.