Chromatography, Thermal Analysis and Electrochemistry Unit

The Chromatography, Thermal Analysis and Electrochemistry Unit supports ICIQ researchers regarding the aforementioned techniques.
Moreover, Unit technicians manage open use instrumentation such as glove boxes and solvent purification systems, micro and submicro balances, two melting point apparatus, a vapour pressure osmometer, a centrifuge and a freeze dryer.
The Unit also gives support in the use of the chromatographs and glove boxes belonging to research groups.
During 2017, the unit also took responsibility for nominal mass analysis.
As the chart shows, the use of supercritical fluid chromatography also doubled, compared to the previous year.
The Unit staff has developed a GC method to check the cross contamination in SPS solvents. This method is periodically applied to check all four SPS we have at the ICIQ.
During the course of the year a demo SFC from Agilent was tested in the lab.