X-Ray Diffraction Unit

The X-ray Diffraction Unit gathers all the techniques which are based on the diffraction of X-rays on crystalline solids. In this Unit two principal techniques are available: Powder X-ray Diffraction and Single Crystal X-ray Diffraction.
Regarding the single crystal diffraction in 2017, 817 crystals were measured out of the 1016 crystals submitted. Moreover, 190 CIF from the crystals measured were sent.
Regarding powder diffraction, 5854 samples were measured in 2017. This represents 36% more samples than those measured in 2016. We should highlight that powder XRD measurements at variable temperature have been consolidated as methodology in the XRD Unit, and in 2017 eleven measurements were performed.
In 2017, the laser for in situ crystallization of single crystals was renewed with a new updated system. Various pharmaceutical co-crystals were crystallized and measured successfully using this methodology.
one of the areas of expertise of the X-ray diffraction unit is the preparation and measurement of high sensitivity samples. Regarding this methodology and with the aim to expand this expertise, a cooling System X-Temp 2 was acquired for the preparation of sensitive samples at low temperatures (range 100K to 273K). Different samples were prepared successfully using this methodology during 2017.
Finally, we would also like to highlight that during 2017, the Unit staff increased their expertise in Charge Density Measurements which can provide information, for example, about bond electrons or charge distribution in molecules.