
Research group


Our research team is devoted to the development of new molecule-based materials for applications in the fields of Renewable Energies and Materials Science. On the former, we are developing efficient and stable redox catalysts from Earth abundant metals, with special interest in water splitting catalysts for the production of solar fuels. On the later, we target the design of novel multifunctional hybrid materials with co-existence of properties of interest (chemical, structural, magnetic, electrical, optical…) with control of the synergy between physical properties in the search for new phenomena.

Topics addressed

  • Photocatalytic water oxidation with Prussian blue derivatives
  • Electrocatalytic water oxidation with polyoxometalates


“Conducting organic polymer electrodes with embedded polyoxometalate catalysts for water splitting”
ChemElectroChem (2017) 4, 3296–3301
M. Blasco-Ahicart, J. Soriano-López, J. R. Galan-Mascaros

“Level alignment as descriptor for semiconductor/catalyst systems in water splitting: The case of hematite/cobalt hexacyanoferrate photoanodes”
ChemSusChem (2017) 10, 4552–4560
F. S. Hegner, D. Cardenas-Morcoso, S. Gimenez, N. Lopez, J. R. Galan-Mascaros

“Cobalt hexacyanoferrate on BiVO4 photoanodes for robust water splitting”
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces (2017) 9, 37671–37681
F. S. Hegner, I. Herraiz-Cardona, D. Cardenas-Morcoso, N. Lopez, J. R. Galan-Mascaros, S. Gimenez