ICIQ’s new strategic plan

  • ICIQ meeting to map out ICIQ’s new strategic plan

    On June 20th-21st ICIQ group leaders, area managers and members from most of the ICIQ units got together in Falset (Priorat) to review and make proposals to map out our institute’s strategic plan for 2017-2021.

    Several parallel working sessions were held to define ICIQ’s common scientific challenges, improve the scientific interaction between the Research Support Area (scientific core facilities) and the institute’s research groups and to discuss the different actions to be taken in order to make ICIQ a talent platform, increase and consolidate our collaboration with the industry and implement the RRI (Responsible Research and Innovation) principles in all ICIQ’s activities.

    The plan aims to make available to ICIQ’s staff the resources and tools necessary to carry out inclusive science for a sustainable society. The ultimate goal is to create the conditions to undertake first-rate research, attract the best international talent and support researchers in each stage of their careers, strengthen our capacity to facilitate the transference of knowledge and engage young people, and the general public, in our passion for chemistry.